
Glosario de 10 palabras

Aerógrafo-Airbrush: Tool used in graphic design  for obtain an effect like an airbrush.

Ajuste de texto-Text Setting: The process of adjusting letter size

.ai: Native format extention of Adobe Ilustrator 

Aspect ratio-Relación de aspecto: metric relation between the width and height of an image

Anti-aliasing: Effect used to blend the edges of an image or object to soften the outline.

Codigo de Imagen-CAPTCHA: This are elements in web pages that automatically make tests to determine if the user is a machine or a human

Banner: Is the image  or item on top of a web page.

Adobe Ilustrator: Graphic design application used to create all sorts of drawing and in particular logos.

Anagrama-Anagram: Set of forms or figures that serve as graphical representation of a trademark . It is often confused with logo but differs from it in that non-alphabetic characters are used.

Etiqueta-Tag: The code is attached to a specific element that provides instructions for formatting. One of the most common tags is the "alt tag", which is a text that includes image information to which it refers.

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